Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Both faculty and students are free to write for any query through my blog.


Unknown said...

what is VIP code in fidelio

Unknown said...

VIP Code for 0 for Normal guest 1 for Regular Guest & 2 for VIP Guest

Unknown said...

how can one join tourism industry after doing Bsc in hopitality and hotel administration , and what are the institutes for the master degree in tourism?

Rakesh Puri said...

Dear Manu
Tourism industry is very vast and there are numerous openings in hospitality industry. You can get your self registered on various sites for job openings. As far as improving your education by joining master degree in tourism is concerned then most of the Universities are offering master's degree in tourism like Jammu University, Kurkshetra University, Annamalai, etc., National Council for Hotel Management is also offering M. Sc. in Hotel Management. Even one can enroll through correspondence through IGNOU or many other Universities.
With best wishes
Rakesh Puri

anuj said...

i'm unable to understand the terms 'intensive rates' and 'promotional rates'

anuj said...

clear me with the terms 'promotional rates' and 'intensive rates'.

Rakesh Puri said...

Dear Anuj
In fact I am also not very clear about intensive rates. But if it is incentive rates then incentives earned by various guests are calulated and either tariff is offered against certain number of points or depending upon the points earned special rates are offered.
Promotional rates are the rates offered to fam-tour, Travel Agencies, etc.
I will welcome any one who knows about intensive rates to write for the knowledge of one and all
With best wishes
Rakesh Puri

Uploading Knowledge said...

good mrng, how r u sir? this is ravi hyderabad,

which book do you prefer for third yr ihm (strategic management)

pls let me know as early as possible. rest every thing is fine.

i missed u in delhi sir
my no

thank u and
have a nice day sir